For your convenience, here are just a few of the questions that we are most often asked.

If you don’t see your question here, or if you’re still a bit confused, feel free to email us at info@simplesignman.ca or call us at 1 866 624-6388 during standard business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm EST/EDT), and we will respond as soon as we can.

Orders usually ship on the following business day. A confirmation with a tracking number will be provided via email once your order has been processed.

Most shipping methods have the transit time listed on the checkout page. UPS Expedited service offers a 4 day delivery across the continental United States. Transit times may differ depending on when you order, the size of your parcel, and how far it has to travel.

Simple Sigman is offering free UPS Expedited delivery on all orders.

The cost of the shipping does not include international import taxes or tarifs. Any import costs are the responsibility of the purchaser.

Once we ship your package, you will automatically receive an email with your tracking information included. If you ever have any concerns or don’t seem to be getting the emails, we suggest you check your spam folder first. If you still don’t see it, please contact us and we will send you the tracking information.Tracking information is not available for some shipping methods, for example local deliveries. If the tracking information for your order says ‘’Not applicable’’ or ‘’Status Not Available’’, your order likely does not include tracking.

Most items are eligible for return or exchange within 30 days of purchase. Customized products are typically not eligible for return or exchange. Before returning an order, please contact us at returns@simplesignman.ca or 1 866 624-6328, and we will provide return information. Return shipping fees for exchanges and returns are the responsibility of the purchaser, except in cases where we’ve shipped the wrong item or something arrives damaged. If this occurs, Simple Signman will cover the return costs, but please contact us before shipping the item back, so we can provide you with a return shipping label. Provided the returned item arrives intact and in good condition, fit for resale, we’ll proceed with your exchange or refund. If the item is returned after 30 days, does not include the return shipping confirmation email, or is returned damaged because it was shipped incorrectly due to customer error, it may not be possible to refund your purchase. We recommend that you return items in their original packaging to help ensure their safety.

For exchanges, we’ll need to know the payment method you’d like to use to cover the cost of the shipping of the replacement item. If you’d like to help expedite the process, you could enclose a note to let us know how you wish to proceed with that aspect.

For refunds, we’ll credit the card or online payment method that was originally used.

To edit or cancel an order, send an email to orders@simplesignman.ca or call us during regular business hours at 1 866 624-6388 and we’ll take care of your request right away.

We send invoice by email the day after the shipping has been processed. If you don’t seem to be getting the emails, we suggest you check your spam folder first. If you still don’t see it, please send us an email to orders@simplesignman.ca or call us during regular business hours at 1 866 624-6388 and we’ll take care of your request right away.

Our website is our catalogue but we do have a virutal catalogue of our products. Please send us an email or check our blog section.

You don’t need a password to check out and complete a purchase. As long as you enter the email address associated with your account, you’ll still get your notifications and the item(s) will appear in your purchase history.

To reset your password, click the ‘’Forgot Password?’’ link on the login page. If you need help with this process, please contact us at orders@simplesignman.ca or call us at 1 866 624-6388, and we can send you a link to reset your password.

To change the email address associated with your customer account, send an email to orders@simplesignman.ca or call us at 1 866 624-6388, and we can change it for you.

The eCommerce side of our web operations is hosted by Shopify, which means industrial-strength protection with SSL-encryption and site certification verification. That means your credit card information and your personal info is safe. We think it’s a big deal to keep your stuff private, and regularly take measures to make sure it stays that way.

If you want to learn more, check out our Privacy Policy here.

We provide quantity discount to customer that have activated their account. Please activate your account and the discounted pricing will appear in the cart. If you need help contact us 1 866 624-6388 and it will be a pleasure to help.

Magnetic products are quite heavy. For some items it might be preferable to ship on a skid. Please contact us 1 866 624-6388 and it will be our pleasure to offer alternative shipping options.